
Louisiana Snow

     The crunch of each step of the rather icy white stuff that covered our porch and yard made me smile. Maybe because it is such a novelty here, we all find it rather delightful. Last time that it snowed enough to stick to the ground was 5 years ago. My sweet son followed our usual rule of removing his shoes on the trampoline, and he came inside so incredibly cold. This time around there was no question of layering clothes and keeping his shoes on.

After good night hugs, I grabbed a package of smoked sausage from the deep freezer to thaw, and I found the plastic dish I had given my son hours ago, filled with snow. I love watching his delight in things like this in life. 

The white stuff is quickly turning to slush. While the pot of Louisiana Dirty Rice  got pushed to the back of the stove, I stepped out into the snow with my husband and kids one more time. We walked to my parents house and they invited us to join them for lunch (so our lunch will be dinner, now already prepared!) By the time we returned home, most of yesterday's snow had melted. 

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  1. Anonymous1/27/2014

    I love it! As cold as it's been here (Atlanta), we've had no snow yet this year. The kids are hoping for just a little bit. I love your pictures :-)

    1. It is such a treat for the kids. Friends that live just 30 minutes north of us got several inches deep snow. More is forecasted tomorrow, and our kids are asking to go visit our friends so they can make snowmen.

  2. Snow is fun (every once in a while) even in the south :) We are briefly enjoying 8 inches of snow in NE North Carolina!

    1. It was fun. With eight inches we would certainly have built a snowman.


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