
The Virtual Refrigerator

My daughter Heather drew this for me after I requested a door. I want to walk through it. 

Our weekly blog hop is co-hosted by Every Bed of RosesHomeschool Coffee Break, and a Glimpse of our Life. Link up your art tutorials or projects that your children have been working on. Then pin the same to our virtual fridge by joining our group pinterest board, just ask any of us to add you. Join us at the blogs of any of the four bloggers who are hosting the Virtual Refrigerator. Link up, visit others who join us, try something new, then come back and share that, too.


Click these links to visit the co-hosts' blogs.      


  1. That's very pretty. I'd walk through that door!

  2. I'd like to walk through that door too. I imagine a homey old-fashioned cottage.


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