

     The pastor who married us once shared an acronym for the word busy that still comes to mind almost every time I hear it. Being Under Satan's Yoke. I don't think it is always wrong to be busy, but that time should be purposeful. Sometimes just remembering that acronym makes me rethink my plans.

     Tonight was a wonderful respite from the hectic pace of my life. I almost didn't go, but am so thankful that my daughter talked me into it and that my husband not only said go but also met me to take the kids the rest of the way home so that I could. Mom's night- that rare organized time by one of the moms in our homeschool group who decides we need it and takes the initiative to plan it was how I spent a delightful evening. Thank you, my friend, you know who you are.

     Years ago, when my girls were very young I mentioned to a friend that I didn't have time for an activity she suggested. "You have time for the things you prioritize" was her response. I've thought about that a lot since then.

     One mom shared tonight a similar thought in another way. She shared the familiar analogy of the full jar, but took it a little further. Have you heard it- how many of these rocks can you fit into this jar? Then bigger rocks are offered and there isn't room because the little ones filled it first. But if you put your big rocks in first, then the smaller ones fall into the cracks, then pebbles can even fit into the spaces between, then sand, then water. And then your jar is full. This wise mom said what if we label those big rocks with the things we need to focus on most.

     So I have a mental picture. A really big rock with God written on it with a Sharpie marker. Then the next size rock with names of my husband and children on each of them. Then gradually adding the things that fill my days. Do I spend my time that way? Most of the time, no. The water and sand fill it up and crowd out what really matters. Busy. But a better goal would be focused. That is what I want.

     How do you plan the most important things?


  1. I've never heard the BUSY acronym--but it sure does hit home! Wish I could've been there tonight!

  2. Thanks for sharing this. I am also going through a time where I am having to reorganize my priorities. It is hard, but needs to be done.

    Thanks for sharing

    Jen's Journey

  3. It is hard at times. This morning my Mother-in-law shared with me Matthew 6:33 which has the same point. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God..." I learned that verse as a child, but am still learning to follow it.

  4. Lynn, I missed you being there. We want to do it again in August.

  5. I've been thinking through some similar things lately - whether the activities we go to are really worth it, and examining how much time I spend (waste) on frivolous things. Thanks for sharing this challenge and reminder!

  6. Love the Mom's Night Out nights my friends plan for us Moms on base. We have a wonderful time building our relationships without the kids hanging around and interrupting like they do on the playground! So glad for you that you got to go.

    Amy B

  7. What a wonderful acronym. It's certainly timely for our family.

  8. I love the BUSY acronym!! What a great visual too- I think I need to take a little time to figure out what the "big" rocks in my life are and let the others just fall into place. Thanks for sharing this!!


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