
Information will be shared in just six more days!

What About The Bible Bee?
 May 2012 Calendar
It's Not Too Late...
It's not too late to start a lifetime habit of drawing closer to God through His Word this summer with the National Bible Bee. Spending just 20 minutes a day in Bible study and memorizing 2 Bible passages each week is something every family can do, with endless benefits! 

Family registration is open through May 31st, but sign up now to make sure to receive your Bible Bee box full of fun and impactful study materials by June 1st
Sword Study Webcast! 
Sometimes the goal of cultivating a deeper walk with Christ for your family can feel intimidating or overwhelming for busy parents. Discover how simply in-depth Bible study, prayer and Scripture memorization can transform your family's relationships with God. 

Tammy McMahan, from The National Bible Bee, will share some valuable tools for equipping parents to equip their own children in the webcast, "Sword Studies: A Cornerstone for Family Discipleship in Your Home,"which will be presented by The Homeschool Channel onWednesday, May 30 from 4:30-5:30pm EST.

If you've already registered for the Bible Bee, learn how to maximize the impact of your family's time in the Sword Studies, and also catch the announcement of the 2012 National Bible Bee dates and location. 
For anyone else, come and hear about the innovative and unique materials that are at the core of the Bible Bee's summer program.  It's not too late to join in for a fun and transformational summer with the Bible Bee- go to www.BibleBee.org to register by May 31st.

2012 National Bible Bee!

push_pin_mapIf you don't have a chance to participate in one of these events, but are still curious about this year's National Competition, check our website later today for a new Nationals page- we can hardly wait to tell you!


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