
another challenge

     This challenge just fits so well with what I've already committed to, I'm joining one more beginning of the year/year long challenge. Beth Moore inspires me. She shares about living for Christ in a real way. I'm not sure how I missed her blog before, but a friend linked to it today and from there I found this: Siesta Scripture Memory Instructions. It isn't a typo; go see what it is all about.

     My first verse, though it came from my first grader's lesson, may be our family theme verse this year. "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." Proverbs 16:24 This verse has spoken volumes to all of us since we did the recommended object lesson with it. His My Father's World teacher's guide instructed me to fill two spoons. One I scooped into the trash bag and filled with an old tea bag mixed with unidentifiable yuck. The other I filled with honey. Then the question to all of the kids- which would you rather eat? Joseph thoroughly enjoyed his spoon full of honey. Since then we have described words spoken in our house as either trash or pleasant. We all understand the need to speak more kindly to each other, but that last half of the verse spoke to me just as strongly. "Healing to the bones!"

     She has a really cute spiral notebook you can order for cost + shipping, but I just purchased a spiral bound notebook to use for my Colossians memory challenge and it has extra pages, so it is going to be my 2011 scripture memory notebook.



  1. This sounds interesting!! I'll be heading over to check it out.

  2. Doesn't it, Stacie? I linked over to look into the spiral notebook that she offers, and it is available as a free download!


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