
unending thanksgiving

After passing the halfway mark to 1000, I know this counting of blessings, this listing of thanks will continue on. I started writing instead of just recaalling and typing. Some I will share each week are also written there.

through 567 and continuing…

a clean floor
fun with science
non-Newtonian fluid
paint on canvas
family evening TOGETHER
computer games with each other
old fashioned games
more and more joy with reading out loud
shared memories
shared tears
new sewing projects
finding matching thread
candles flickering
Husband cooking and cleaning the kitchen
whining ceased
gentle rain
yard work together
joy around the fire pit
comfy pjs
loud snorting laughs
simple entertainment
finding lost instruction manual
quiet house
sleeping in late
freshly baked bread
dreamless rest
flower on windowsill 
bulbs around arbor 
holding hands, fingers intertwined with my beloved who loves me 



  1. Whining ceased...isn't that a wonderful kind of "quiet" in its own right? It is easy for me to be a whiner some days...something I am working on.

    Enjoyed your list.

  2. awww those a great blessing, the "clean floor" one made me smile, cause I love clean floor :-)

  3. lovely to read another participant in multitudes on mondays...

  4. What a wonderful list. Paint on canvas is so great! Love comfy pjs. Fresh baked bread... mmm. :)


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