
Scripture and a Snapshot

Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God. Romans 15:7 

     It’s just a picture of burnt pizza. Lately I’ve been able to clearly see some of my imperfections as others see them. And it’s not pretty. Burnt pizza is just a symbol of them as burning pizza is one of my not so favorite meals that I prepare. I burnt it again this weekend. But I also made a delicious dessert with my daughter. And, we had more pizza in the freezer. Failure wasn’t the end of the evening. 

     I am so thankful that Jesus loves me as I am, imperfect. 

     Thank you for joining Scripture & A Snapshot. Leave a comment with a verse that God has placed on your heart this week, or leave a link to your own post sharing a Scripture and a snapshot. Take time to visit some of the other links, too.  

Scripture and Snapshot

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  1. What a great object lesson!

  2. Thank goodness He loves us with all of our imperfections!

  3. Thank God for new mercies every morning!

  4. Great analogy ~ even if we are a bit crisp around the edges, we are still His. Amen.

  5. Great lesson! I'm so thankful that God loves me despite my failures and imperfections. And that he is always working on me to make me more like him, even though I'm imperfect in so many ways.


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