Brinkman Adventures has another brand new audio drama! Our family has all been looking forward to The Brinkman Adventures: Season 3 which we received for this review. They added 12 episodes to their adventure series. Some episodes are linked. The Brinkmans are a missionary family with eight children. They share modern missionary stories in an engaging format. Four CDs are packaged together in a DVD case and last over 5 hours.
Episodes from Season 3 include:
God's Mule
Mountain Mover
Silent Ambassador
Translating Trouble
Acorns & Oaks
A Saint Story (parts 1&2)
Busy Bees and a Bullhorn
Missionary Tourist (parts 1&2)
Mountain Mover
Silent Ambassador
Translating Trouble
Acorns & Oaks
A Saint Story (parts 1&2)
Busy Bees and a Bullhorn
Missionary Tourist (parts 1&2)
New missionaries are introduced in season 3. One of my favorites of these stories is of Steve Saint, son of Nate Saint whose death for the cause of sharing the love of Jesus Christ made such an impact on me back when I first heard of it as a little girl years ago. Several points of view are shared as the Brinkmans tell of the Waldoni Indians today. This is one of the true stories, and Steve Saint is played by himself! Look on the website for pictures.
Our entire family enjoys listening to the Brinkman's powerful audio dramas. My eleven year old said "it was really good." Season 3 shares missionary stories from Alaska, Ecuador, and Kashmir. These stories don't just highlight "going" to do missions but also share about activities even children can do at home to share about God's love around the world.
From my senior:
I enjoyed the story about Tomas the Bible Smuggler a lot. The Brinkman Adventures are interesting, because they not only share stories about the Brinkman family, they also share stories about other missionaries and missionary teams that they have heard of. They are great to listen to in the car. Each season is separated into 25 minute short stories, so you don't have to be going on a long trip to enjoy them. It's neat to hear how all of their kids are involved in missions somehow. Even one of the little boys in the family started saving up money to possibly buy a dental chair for a place that didn't have a dentist. The stories can be enjoyed by kids (and adults) any age, I think partly because the kids in the family range from all different ages, so they are relatable to most kids. We are always excited about getting the newest episodes of the Brinkman Adventures.
The Brinkman Adventures have introduced modern missionary stories to my children in a whole new way. We love listening to them, and now with the opening left at the end of season 3 we are already ready to find out what happens next in season 4.
Brinkman Adventures has a special offer just for Schoolhouse Review Crew friends and blog readers! Yes, that's you. Click here for your secret access to listen to a few episodes and enter a giveaway to win an entire season!
Visit their Facebook page for videos and their blog for coloring sheets and behind the scene stories that reveal which parts of the series are completely true and which stories have been embellished.
Read other crew reviews:
I thought the dental chair story was very cool. My son totally missed the point of that one.. probably was too busy playing minecraft and being excited about what he was accomplishing. :)