
Scripture & A Snapshot

Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. James 4:14

My son got two new fish in his fish tank Friday. Saturday morning they were dead. There is so much uncertain in this life. I am thankful for each day, each minute. Earlier this week my son asked if we could have unplugged time. He suggested an entire week. We started with one afternoon, but I think it is going to become a family habit. More time together without screens distracting us benefits everyone. The days are going by so fast. 

     Thank you for joining Scripture & A Snapshot. Leave a comment with a verse that God has placed on your heart this week, or leave a link to your own post sharing a Scripture and a snapshot. Please take time to visit some of the other links, too.
Scripture and Snapshot


  1. Oh my, what an appropriate picture for the verse!!

    1. Thanks, Kym. I try to make them fit, but they aren't always as clear as this one.

  2. Fish are very difficult to keep alive. We outfitted a new tank one year and lost so many. I love the idea of cutting out screen time and electronics. I think I'll follow suit in our house!

    1. We tried more fish. Time to try yet again. The screen time cut is working though.

  3. Thanks for Hosting!!


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