
Moving Beyond the Page

The following resources were provided by Moving Beyond The Page for the purpose of this TOS Schoolhouse Crew review. 

Last year my daughter and son each reviewed an individual unit from Moving Beyond the Page, and we discovered how convenient their self contained all inclusive science, history, and literature units are. I was delighted with another review opportunity with them. This time around we chose two units (one hard copy and one online unit) for my middle school son, a rising 5th grader. He used the online Language Arts Package: American Tall Tales and Legends package for ages 9-11 ($29.41) and the physical guide Science Package: Force and Motion for ages 10-12 ($50.07).


Prerequisites are listed for each unit. For this science unit, the following were recommended:
  • Able to read and comprehend novels at a late 6th or 7th grade reading level
  • Able to write multiple paragraphs on a topic
  • Familiar with the five paragraph essay
  • Usually used by children in the fifth or sixth grade
And for this language arts unit, the following is needed to complete the unit:
  • Able to read and comprehend novels at a late 5th or 6th grade reading level
  • Able to write multiple paragraphs on a topic
  • Usually used by children in fourth or fifth grade
Each of the units from Moving Beyond the Page may be purchased as either an online guide or a physical guide. The online guides include printable student pages and online instructions. Physical components and books may also be included with either online or physical formats. There are advantages to each format. The online product is licensed to a family, so multiple copies may be printed if needed. Last time we printed pages as needed. This time around to simplify the process I printed his entire workbook/student pages of the online one. Each unit is designed to be completed in about three weeks. Many coordinate with other units and can be completed simultaneously. 

Joseph enjoyed investigating the contents of the kit even before he started. The Force and Motion physical science package included the paperback book The Quest for Personal Best Individual Sports as well as the spiral bound all inclusive student guide and all of the tools to complete assignments. His favorite of the tools is the green stopwatch which he has continued to use to measure so many things even after completing the unit. One of the few things not included in the package was willing participants. Though the book is about individual sports, he measured results from many different individuals. While completing this, Joseph taped lines on the floor and often required our participation to be measured in various tasks inside and outside. 

He received the online version of the Language Arts Package: American Tall Tales and Legend, however it also included some physical components. Two books: American Tall Tales and Cut from the Same Cloth, American Women of Myth, Legend, and Tall Tale as well as a dream catcher craft kit were included along with the online student guide which I printed for him. 

Both of the books included with the Language Arts package were entertaining, and each contained multiple short stories which keep his attention. He alternated between quietly reading assigned selections to himself, reading aloud, and occasionally listening to me read to him. 

My son enjoyed these lessons. The activities in the science unit were just the right fit for his level. The activities kept his attention and the science tasks even let him move while learning which is always his preference. Some of the language assignments were a bit more of challenging to him. 

Schoolhouse crew reviewers each received different packages from Moving Beyond the Page. Look through other reviews and you may find just the thing to include in your own complete homeschool curriculum. 

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