
The Virtual Refrigerator

     Welcome to the Virtual Refrigerator. We have been attempting another new (to us) art form this week: chalk pastels and at times added the familiar colored pencils. These lions were inspired by our current study of Dawnita Fogleman's Star Chronicles.

Lion by Joseph, age 9, chalk pastel

The girls think my lion looks sad. That wasn't intentional.

Lion by Emily, 14, colored pencils

Lion by Heather, 16, chalk pastels with pencil details (maybe if I had done that mine wouldn't look sad.) 

Our Monet Water Lilies inspired chalk art

     I am a bit tactile defensive and have never liked the feel of chalk, but art with chalk pastels is so much easier than I ever imagined. 

Join us at the blogs of any of the four bloggers who are hosting the Virtual Refrigerator. Link up, visit others who join us, try something new, then come back and share that, too.

Click these links to visit the co-hosts' blogs. Come link with us each week.

We now have a group Pinterest board for the Virtual Refrigerator! Come follow the board and if you want to join us just ask. Continue to share your posts here each week, then share there, too.



  1. These are some talented little artists! It's lovely to see children producing art.

  2. Thanks, Motherhoodlooms. It is so fun when we take time for art.

  3. How neat! Love the lions. I'm horrible at art and am still trying to figure out how best to teach it to my kids.

    1. Thanks, Erin. We love Artistic Pursuits and just started reading Tricia's tutorials http://www.hodgepodge.me/2011/01/pastels-plus-links-to-tutorials/.

  4. Anonymous4/03/2014

    My little 7 year old has turned into quite the artist this week. I think you have inspired me to get out the pastels and show said little dude what that is all about !

    1. That sounds like fun. I hope you will come link up and share his completed projects with us.

  5. Anonymous4/03/2014

    Wow that is such awesome artwork. I love the lion heads.

  6. would love to join this meme. I hope I won't forget to join next Thursday :)

    1. The link stays open all week until the next link is live. Link up with us any time.

  7. This is a nice link up. Great art in your virtual fridge too.

  8. My daughter did quite a bit with chalk pastels last year and really enjoyed it. She's looking forward to getting back to it next school year. :-) Your lions and Monet-inspired artwork are all lovely!

    1. Thanks, Kym, we all enjoyed it. The chalked hair, though, I've been seeing some strange shades.

  9. Art is so important in the development of children! The lion heads are all very nice!

  10. The lions are pretty cool. Thanks for sharing!

  11. They are very talented. The last time i bought my boys colored chalk our sidewalk looked like a rainbow threw up LOL

    1. LOL! Sounds like your boys had fun with it.


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