Last year was filled with changes and sorrow for our family, but looking back it is evident that it was also filled with good memories. Without a doubt, God carried us through the hard times. It is fun to look back on the happy times, and that is my focus in each of the posts that I'm sharing with you here.
Each Sunday, I host a link up that helps me keep the focus of my blog where it should be. Join me each week at Scripture & A Snapshot. This post from last January gives you a minuscule glimpse of English Country dancing, something that our family enjoys doing together.
In February I was privileged to travel outside of our country for the first time. I didn't share many pictures on my blog from that trip, but I will never forget the experience. While I was away, some bloggy friends helped me with two travel related series by guest posting on glimpses of our country and glimpses of our world. If you are a blogger and don't see your state or country represented there, please let me know if you would like to share a guest post. Another resource we enjoyed as we continued our My Father's World Countries and Cultures studies was Little Passports.
This April First Day post shows snapshots from one day of homeschooling and music practice at our house.
May included my change from working part time away from home to being a "stay at home" mom for the first time other than during my three maternity leaves. I absolutely love it! In addition to being a family favorite, this seven layer salad post has been one of my most popular posts to be pinned on Pinterest.
We traveled for 4H events in June and July. This long winding road led to the college campus where my two younger children competed at Project Achievement Day.
We enjoyed this lovely drive on Louisiana back roads one rainy day in July. Click that link for a closer look at what swam very close to us in that swamp.
In August, we went back to "the camp" at Toledo Bend for the first time in over 2 years. It was bittersweet; there is an untold story there I may share one day. While we relaxed, Heather painted her view from the pier without a paintbrush. Night and Day at Toledo Bend is one of my weekly Virtual Refrigerator posts. Join me and my co-hosts each week with your blog posts linking art tutorials or your children's art projects.
For September 2013 I'm linking again to my First Day post. I need to get back into the habit of joining that each month, because those pictures are some of my favorite to look back on.
In October, I promoted to Lilla Rose Supervisor. Please visit my website: and while you are there click on "shop now" then "create new account" for emails about special offers ~6-8 times each year. I've shared a few PRETTYHAIR tutorials through the year and plan to keep sharing more. They are another thing that gets a lot of click backs from Pinterest.
Pinterest is my online playground. In November, we recreated these fun autumn watercolor trees from a project that I first saw a link to on Pinterest. Come follow my boards there that interest you (I'm MommieJennM there and on Twitter) and leave a message here if you would like to be added to any of my group boards. We also met our "Japanese cousins" in person in November and created more lovely memories for a lifetime. One of the highlights was the kids carrolling together the night before they left in December.
I wrapped up December 2013 with my word for 2014.
(link here will be live January 8th)
Now that I've shared a glimpse back, since it is already 2014, I'll give you a brief glimpse of my plans for the blog this year. I've joined a group of ladies and am reading through the Bible this year using this book
Another thing I'm working on that isn't typical for me is meal planning. If that turns into a success, I'll let you know. Organizing is pretty typical for me, but seems to be a constantly needed activity. I've already tried out a few of the tips suggested on this pin board.
You will continue to see reviews shared on my blog. I'm a Mainstay on the Schoolhouse Review Crew again this year, and new reviews will begin soon. I like trying new things, but I'm also reevaluating our current lesson plans. You can read more about that in the Virtual Curriculum Fair; I'll be posting weekly through the end of January about our plans.
Though I'm home with the kids for now, after working for 20 years as an Occupational Therapist, thinking like an OT is almost easier than thinking like a mom. I've shared my "OT view" in posts before, but plan to do more of that this year. I'll be sharing more reviews from Social Thinking and Future Horizons. I'm also going to be sharing a monthly post at Homeschool Survival; my first series there will be related to handwriting.
Though I'm home with the kids for now, after working for 20 years as an Occupational Therapist, thinking like an OT is almost easier than thinking like a mom. I've shared my "OT view" in posts before, but plan to do more of that this year. I'll be sharing more reviews from Social Thinking and Future Horizons. I'm also going to be sharing a monthly post at Homeschool Survival; my first series there will be related to handwriting.
Share your highlights in the comments and please let me know what you want to see more of.
Disclaimer: Affiliate links may be included in this post. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC regulations.
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