
Random 5 on Friday

  •      Last weekend we had a whirlwind visit to the coast with the purpose of visiting my Father-in-law for Father's day. My hubby surprised me with the suggestion that we all go to my favorite restaurant. The hibachi chef showed us that he knew why we were there with his decorated fried rice. He had my son laughing throughout the entire "show" as he prepared the most delicious dinner. 

  •      I grew up around guns, knowing from early childhood they had a purpose (mainly hunting) and were not toys. My kiddos have all been involved in "shooting sports" this past year through 4H. My oldest daughter is the only one old enough to progress on to the state competition (though her little sister's score was high enough, too, if only she was older.) They shoot a rifle in prone, kneeling, and standing. At first I was surprised that their best scores were prone, then understood that 10 minutes of holding the weight of the gun while standing is tiring resulting in decreasing accuracy with fatigue. Obviously, it isn't safe to carry a gun around the house. We have strict rules, never point it at a person, etc. But she had to figure out a way to strengthen those muscles for shooting in a standing position. My mom had a practical suggestion that my daughter took a bit further. She duct taped cans of food together to imitate the weight and shape of a rifle. Now even sitting on the couch she can work on her arm strength. I thought playing the violin had made her arms stronger, but the violin is much lighter than the 22. 

  •      When I was younger, I anticipated receiving letters from friends and had several pen pals. Now my girls write to a few long distance friends and also have that thrill when something comes in the mailbox just for them. I was reminded of the joy of actual letter writing recently. It is so much different than e-mail. One friend from England shared tatting instructions for my daughter (on different sized paper than what is standard here) and these cupcake wrappers featuring England's flag and soldiers. Another shared seeds that I am looking forward to planting and watching grow. Both shared sweet words and reminded me there is so much more than what little we see online. Have you written a "snail mail" letter to anyone lately? 

  •      We have been cleaning a lot. Yesterday while the kids worked together on their bathroom, I pulled everything out of what I call the "coat closet." Winter coats, hats, and gloves are now packed away. Books that have been hidden beneath extra blankets are now covering the living room floor for the kids to help me sort. And I have a cleaned out space ready to be refilled. 

  •      Spiders bother me, and I've seen more spiderwebs since I started cleaning than it seems possible. They do appear overnight, and I am ready for them to be gone. (Please share if you have any great advice.) Walking through spider webs makes me sneeze. 

     This is linked to Random 5 on Friday at The Pebble Pond.


  1. I heard that peppermint essential oil on cotton balls around the house works good!

    1. I have that and will try it today. Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. I vacuum the spiders and webs... mostly they stay out of my house. I have seen little sound emitting devices to keep them out too.

    1. I vacuum them, too. Either the deep cleaning or the weather is making them come out of hiding, and I'd rather not see them. I'll google a sound device to scare them.

  3. Oh my goodness...we tell our kids all of the time to think outside the box and be a problem solver...I think your daughter has won the award for the week! What a smart girl! Also, lavender around window sills and doors should help with spiders as well. They creep me out too!

    1. Yes, I do want them to be problem solvers!

      I don't have lavender. Once I thought it gave me headaches, but I've heard so many benefits that I want to give it another try.

  4. That fried rice is so cool! What a fun thing!

    1. It was a happy meal. He entertained us the entire time he was cooking.

  5. My kiddos do not share my thoughts about ridding the house of a spider. They feel the spider is not bothering them so why kill it. They don't understand that I do not want spider babies in my house.

    1. My son has stepped up to kill them for me at times, and for that I am extremely thankful. I'd be happy to have no spider babies.

  6. I love hibachi restaurants. They are so fun! And your girl -- well, that's just cool all around.

  7. I hate spiders too! Yuck!


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