
Virtual Refrigerator

     Our Countries and Cultures studies have taken us to France, and the kids created a model of the Eiffel Tower. They used popsicle sticks, toothpicks, clay, and pipe cleaners.

     We also found this simplified version of the Eiffel Tower as a coloring page.

     Have you and your children been creating art this week? Link up your kid friendly art projects then visit and comment on a few others.


  1. That looks so interesting! What a fun activity to pair with the study.

  2. That is great! When we studied France, we made this paper model of the eiffel tower - there are lots of neat ones at this site: http://www.papertoys.com/ Looks like I might be first to link up my Virtual Refrigerator this week! yay!

  3. Love these hands-on problem solving type of activities. Makes learning so much richer! My son would love building that tower!

    jeannine: waddleeahchaa.com

  4. Just love this. When I taught math (back way back) I loved having all the kids doing problem solving using objects. This is awesome.
    I have linked something my grandchildren tried when using a link I sent to them.
    This is so much fun.
    Janis http://www.janiscox.com

  5. Awesome work. I used to have my class (back along way..) do hands on problem solving activities. It was wonderful to see their creativity.
    Great work.
    I linked a post from something my grandchildren used after learning it from a link I sent them.
    Janis http://www.janiscox.com

  6. Love your Eiffel tower!!


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