A Thomas Jefferson Education provided a full year subscription of online access to their program This Week in History for this review.
This subscription based website provides correlated cross-curricular resources anchored in historical events for each day of the year. Have you ever seen the little booklets that show what happened the month and year you were born? Last year I looked for one of those for my Grandpa, but was sad to learn that they didn't go back to the 1920's. This fall I will be looking up his birthday on this website and sharing fun history that relates to him. This goes so much deeper than just facts and figures. Videos are shared that further clarify many of the historical facts.
One of the interesting stories that I read on the website was about Nik Wallenda who walked across Niagara Falls which included some related family history and video. I also peeked at the information shared the week of my birthday, but it wasn't quite as interesting as the tightrope walk.
The information on the history week website isn't age specific. For our family it works for eight through ninety-two year-olds. See a sample week on their website or sign up now for $9.99. Along with access to their website, we receive an e-mail subscription with daily information that we can include in our lessons. There is usually something interesting shared that is food related, then place specific which leads into famous people from that place. It is like a ever changing historically based unit study.
From the website:
With a subscription to This Week in History, each day’s resources are an adventure in math, science, language skills, geography, current events, the arts and so on – all tied to events in history.
For just $9.99 per month, you have the world of learning available to help you lead and inspire your students to explore, learn and and excel!
This Week in History is provided as a weekly online bundle of resources that you can access in either of two ways:
- On the dedicated TWIH blog feed at TJEd.org
- Via an email sent directly to your inbox using our secure email service
The content is searchable by date, topic and key word, and the whole year’s archive can be accessed by subscribers at any time.
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