
Blueberry Yogurt Pops

     We picked another three gallons of blueberries that morning. One batch of sugar-free jelly, more juiced and frozen for more jelly later, and I still had a bowlful of blueberries sitting on the counter-top. Have you ever seen a recipe that looked so delicious and simple that you had to recreate it right then? I did. I showed Emily and as soon as the kid's movie was over we tried it out.

     The idea is simple. Blueberries. Yogurt. The end. No more ingredients at all! Healthy!

     The original recipe showed wooden skewers which we happened to have in abundance, but if you are careful toothpicks might work, too. We only had about a half cup of strawberry yogurt in the fridge, so that is what we used. The picture (link at the bottom of this post) that I saw online looks thicker; I wonder if she used Greek yogurt.

     Ready for the instructions? Skewer blueberries in a row. "How many?" my daughter asked. We did some with more than others. Just do as much as you want to eat. Then I placed the pointed end of the skewer in the yogurt container and used a spoon to scoop yogurt onto it. Another blueberry filled skewer worked great to wipe the excess yogurt back into the container. We stopped when we ran out of yogurt, then Joseph decided that he wanted to make one plain one. Place on a cookie sheet or something else flat, then freeze until solid.

     That brings up another point. It has been suggested that when you freeze blueberries you NOT wash them as that makes them all stick together. When I saw Em and Joseph eating the berries straight from the freezer years ago, I knew that was no longer an option. My solution- wash AND DRY the berries then freeze them. Another benefit is you can toss those clean frozen berries right into smoothies. After washing, just leave in a single layer on top of a paper towel until completely dry then freeze.

     I'm counting this as another accomplishment on my list of happy things this summer- homemade popsicles with my son! It counts for a new healthy snack, too.

     Thanks for the inspiration Jillee, I tried this the same night that I first saw the link on Pinterest. By the way- her pictures of this treat are beautiful, so click over there and look if I haven't convinced you to try this. (I can't find my pictures!)

     Enjoy, and share!


  1. I LOVE this! My now-adult daughter eats lots of blueberries. I have to let her know about this! Happily visiting from HHH. Deb @ LivingMontessoriNow.lcom

  2. They are so simple and so yummy. When we ran out of yogurt, we just put skewers of blueberries in a ziplock in the freezer. I need to remember to get those and do more as we have Greek yogurt in the fridge again.

  3. Joseph needs a little chef hat. He is very original and creative with these blueberry pops. You are right that these are nutritious. I have a friend who has a young daughter who has diabetes. These pops will be a treat for her.

  4. Oh, Jennifer, this is fun stuff. You're such a great mom. I pin lots of ideas but never always follow through. You inspire me!

  5. Baby steps, sweet friend. This is the simplest thing I've pinned yet. :) You can do it!

  6. I'd love a recipe for sugar free jelly. ;)

  7. I shared a link here: http://glimpseofourlife.blogspot.com/2012/04/mulberry-jelly.html about the recipe I used for sugar-free mulberry jelly. For the blueberry, I used the canister of sure-gel (directions on can), lemon juice, and Equal Sucralose. I'll share in detail next time I make more.


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