
Eldercare and Accolades

     Last week the latest edition of the Homeschool Court Report arrved in my mailbox. The cover of this issue features a girl with her grandmother and an article about eldercare and homeschooling. Good timing for that one. This week my Granny started hospice and my plans for homeschooling and everything else are shifting. 

     The TOS blog cruise question this week is "Who inspires you?" The first person that comes to mind right now, especially with all that is changing around us is my Mom. So, to combine the blog cruise with my Monday thankfulness post, I'm going to share with you about my Mom.

     I am thankful that God made her strong enough to live through trials I couldn't imagine enduring myself. I'm thankful for our differences, though sometimes we clash it is also fun to hear and discuss our views. I'm thankful for our similarities, for ways she can understand me like no one else can. 

     I'm thankful for what she taught me about motherhood. I am the Mom that I am because of her. I am thankful for her comfort, her hugs, her care, her love.

     How she inspires me- she keeps on. She went back to school to advance her degree and has earned  titles and prestige higher than her current job would ever suggest. She works where she is so that she can be here for her parents. I admire her care for them so much. She has a work ethic I admire, one of the things I haven't quite imitated but do respect. 

     Her cooking is delicious, even the healthy recipes. I am thankful for lessons she has shared with me through my life. 

     Who inspires you? Link over to the blog cruise to see how others answered this question.

2187 and counting
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  1. Anonymous4/16/2012

    I'm sorry to hear about your granny.

    Your post is also a nice tribute to your mother. It made me wonder what my kids might write about me in the future. :)

  2. Thank you for your kind words. Yesterday she was strong.

    I also wonder, of course I only want my kids to remember the good things. :)


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