
Homeschool Crew Review: Vintage Remedies for Girls

     After attending a huge homeschool convention last spring, a friend came home and shared with me about many things that she had learned. One of the speakers she most enjoyed was Jessie Hawkins, and my friend let me look through her copy of this book as she shared. I was excited to learn of this review opportunity and delighted when my package arrived in the mail wrapped within the outer packing in brown paper tied with string. 

     My daughters and I have been enjoying Vintage Remedies 4 Girls which is designed as a complete year's program. Of course for a fairly quick review we did not use it as intended, instead I read through it then had my daughters read and try several of the recipes. The workbook is a combined text for student and guide for teachers/parents. The course is divided into three main topics: food, nutrition, and culinary skills; health and body; and natural living. Quizzes are included as well as recommended schedules and resources. 

     We began with the real food section. Her recipes are shared the way I share recipes with my girls as I cook which is a bit unclear. I do it that way because I don't usually use recipes for things I prepare frequently and often change my ingredients each time. When following a new recipe however, it would be easier to follow more precise instructions. Two of the first three we attempted were actually unsuccessful. The cream cheese did turn out well and was delicious. The girls thought it wasn't going to work as we got the temperature a bit to high during the process, but both of them enjoyed it. Supervision from an adult is suggested for the kitchen tasks.

     The book is written to young girls and includes many extras as if an adult was standing with them as they attempted the task, giving extra tips as needed. I learned from her tip about reading labels after the recommendation to not use puffed rice cereal because of the added sugar. All my life I have considered that a healthy sugar free cereal. Other tips include such things as clean hands and why thorough hand washing is important. 

     Health information is liberally sprinkled throughout the lessons. Not all of the lessons are recipes and cooking. The grow your own food chapter gives an in depth description of how to grow garlic and many uses of the plant. In the health and body section preparation of calendula balm is clearly explained. We made this successfully, but my oldest daughter did exhibit a severe allergic reaction (which was included in the book as a possibility.) 

     Overall this has been an enjoyable curriculum to review with my 6th and 8th grade daughters. The company also offers additional books in this series for guys and for kids. Vintage Remedies 4 Girls is available for $45. On the website right now the guys and girls book have been combined into a new book for tweens for $29.95.

from the Vintage Remedies website:

Price: $45.00
"Vintage Remedies for Girls teaches healthy and natural living to girls
ages 7-13. Our new workbook is packed with over 200 pages covering
every aspect of natural living including wellness, nutrition, herbal
medicine, immunity, natural cleaning and body care, and the
conservative use of valuable natural resources. Girls will learn how to
identify unhealthy foods, how to create a healthy real foods menu
(and prepare it for some friends!), how to make natural cleaning
supplies and skin care, how to make cheese, how to grow culinary and
medicinal herbs, how to create basic herbal preparations, and much,
much more!

This workbook is flexible and can be used for existing scouting groups,
to form new girls groups, as a homeschooling curriculum, or to create
fun mommy - daughter projects throughout the year. Each of the 18
chapters includes a brief lesson on the topic, a featured project,
instructions for moms or group leaders, and a selection of additional
projects on the topic for in depth learning. The book also contains
sample schedules to adapt for homeschooling families, scouting groups,
etc as well as convenient shopping lists for each project, complete with
a resource guide and tips for parents and leaders. 202 pages /
Thistle Publications / 2010"
     Disclaimer: As a reviewer for the 2011-2012 TOS Homeschool Review Crew, I was given a copy of Vintage Remedies for Girls for the purpose of this review. Be sure to check out other reviews at the TOS Homeschool Crew Blog.



  1. Excellent review. I appreciate how you pointed out what did and didn't work for you. I admit that it makes me want to try the curriculum as it sounds wonderful, but I'm wondering if just getting some of the "adult" books would be better... Decisions, decisions... ;)

  2. Thanks, Heather. They also shared one of the adult books as a free gift: The Herbal Kitchen, and I am learning a lot from it.


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