
Timberdoodle review of Red Herring Mysteries level 1

     We started this book during the holidays, and while puzzling through the possibilities it never felt like schoolwork to the kids. This critical thinking activity can be enjoyed by all ages but is recommended for ages 9-11.

     It is set up for one person to know all of the answers (accessed in the back of the book) and add to the scenario provided as they choose. They read the initial script out loud and everyone else tries to figure it out by asking yes/no questions. From that point on the reader in charge is only to answer yes or no. The ones guessing can be split into teams or play individually (it can even be just one person guessing.) Additional options are provided in the book.

     Not all of the scenarios and answers are logical, but they are thought provoking. Some of the puzzlers that adults in the room could not figure out by over thinking were quickly solved by my 6 year old. My 11 year old (who I intended this book for) called it fun and challenging.

     We will be continuing to use this, but not for long as we have almost completed all 64 of the mysteries. I’ve already added the other book in this series to my wish list. You can purchase this and view sample pages at Timberdoodle's website. 

from Timberdoodle: 
"Red Herring Mysteries develops a child's inferential and deductive thinking skills for more effective reading, listening, and logical thinking.
The activities also encourage creative brainstorming and flexible thinking."

     Disclaimer: Timberdoodle provided me with this resource for the purpose of this review. 

1 comment:

  1. we love mysteries---any time school doesn't feel like school, that is a winning situation! I'm excited about trying some of these mysteries for ourselves.


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