
Cleaning Out the Refrigerator

Thank you to Yoplait for sponsoring today’s post and inspiring me to try Yoplait Greek 100 Whips! 

Are you keeping up with Michele's 34 weeks of clean challenges? My plans were derailed again this week, but I still got a lot done. I've heard that having a clean bedroom actually helps to decrease stress, and I'm determined to have both (a clean room and less stress.) This little bit of my room is complete. Even the doorframe has been dusted. Candles just make the atmosphere cosy, don't you think? Last week's challenge was cleaning our refrigerator and more in the kitchen. It's still in need of a little TLC, but it is continuing to improve. 

The task the week before was cleaning out cabinets. We finished about half of the ones in our kitchen, and we helped my parents with all of theirs. They got new countertops, and the kids had fun helping rip out their old tiles. 

If you are still working on cleaning your refrigerator, I have two tips for you. The first is from my father-in-law for odors in the fridge. You might be familiar with using baking soda to absorb odors. When a box is almost empty I place it in our fridge each time I open a new one to use in recipes. But for other problem odors, he recommended scrubbing with toothpaste. I've used it on the seal around the doors, and it works. My next tip is for the top of the refrigerator that somehow seems to accumulate dust faster than anywhere else in the house except for ceiling fan blades. I cut a piece of newspaper just a little smaller than the top of the fridge and set it up there after cleaning it off. The next time it needs cleaning, it is much easier to just contain any dust in that paper, throw it away, and replace it. This week I cut a piece to fit the top of that wardrobe in my top picture, too. It can work for any flat surface above eye level. We get inexpensive unprinted end rolls from our local newspaper, and this is just one way we use them. 

The next of Michele's challenges is organizing recipes. Join in! Carol suggested we share recipes when we link up our successes next Friday. I'm working on using what we have as we clean out this year, and I've tried a few old favorite recipes lately. Last week my kids loved the ricotta cookies. I wonder if yogurt would give them the same consistency. Come back here for a new recipe using Yoplait Greek 100 Whips! in a low-calorie dessert later this week, and check out their recipe page, too.
Yoplait Greek 100 Whips!  in my clean(er) fridge! 

Disclosure: this article is sponsored by Yoplait Greek 100 Whips!


  1. I bought yogurt this week at the grocery and everyone wants me to share it. :) Claire says her favorite of all is the Yoplait Whips. She says it's definitely the best!

  2. Good job with all of your hard work! Love the toothpaste idea! Thanks for linking up- can't wait to see everyone's recipes!


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