Our expectations were too low. These are some of the best chocolates that I have ever eaten. My children all agree.
Every flavor we could wish for was in this box filled with hand crafted chocolate candies: coconut, caramel, creamy mint chocolate, some with fruit, some with nuts, even dark and white chocolate.
It was fun to try to figure out which kind of chocolate each piece was, based on the included pictures. Sometimes our guesses were a little off, but we were pleasantly surprised by finding out what they actually were.
These amazing candy bars were larger versions of some of the varieties included in our gift box. Almond Coconut, Caramel, Roasted Almond, and my daughter's favorite: Mindy Mint were all delicious.
If you are looking for a Valentine's Day gift or want to just surprise someone with an unexpected treat, check out Mrs. Cavanaugh's website.
Disclaimer: The pictured product was provided for this review.
Those look wonderful! How fun to review chocolate! :)