
For These Things, I Am Thankful

For a season, many months ago, I linked over and over with posts sharing things I was thankful for. I've been noticing things lately, so am jotting down the ones that I can remember...

Wild ducks swimming on the pond, male and female

Camillas blooming on Granny's tree, discovered when I ran over to grab cheese out of what is now our extra fridge

Time to slow down

Friends dropping by unexpectedly

Surprises revealed

Homemade pizza 

Continued traditions with new variations

Listening to my kids practice their music

Soft snores beside me as I read late at night

Chances to start fresh

New SIESTA Scripture Memory Team

Hope for the future



  1. Anonymous12/30/2014

    it's always nice to be thankful and to acknowledge that we are.
    You have a wonderful New Year!!

  2. What a nice post :-)

    Happy New Year to you :-)

  3. Anonymous12/30/2014

    Awww sweet things! Happy New year =)

    Dropping by from http://pixiedusk.livejournal.com/329864.html

  4. One thing I really miss from your list. Friends dropping by unexpectedly. It used to happen in the states, just not here in New Zealand. Beautiful flower. Happy New Year and Happy WW!

  5. Hope for the future...I think this one struck me the most. Most people, even Christians sadly, don't live a life that reflects hope. Just expecting things to get worse and worse but Christ is King and He lives and reigns so we do indeed live life with hope for the future!
    Enjoyed starting my day reading such a thoughtful and though provoking post. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you in the new year!

  6. It's so easy to miss the little things. Love your list.

  7. I love your list. Love the soft snores!

  8. What a great list!


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