
Sensory Focus Magazine ~ Special Diets

The following links are provided by Sensory Focus Magazine.

special diet for kids

April is Occupational Therapy month, and I have a wonderful selection of resources, book reviews, and even product giveaways planned to share with you all month long.

First up is Sensory Focus Magazine which is available online. They will be providing wonderful articles for you to read throughout the year. These two links are both about diets for children with special needs. If you have a picky eater, you may appreciate this article from the Fall 2013 issue:
Chasing Away Your Child's Beige Diet Blues. Read this book review of Special Diets for Special Kids.

Disclaimer: Access to the content in this online magazine was provided to this blog owner. No other compensation was provided.


  1. Anonymous4/09/2014

    These look like GREAT resources! I am absolutely passing these along to my friends who have food sensory issues. Thank you so much!

    1. Great Kristi, thanks for sharing! I do hope it is helpful.

  2. Awesome! Never heard of this magazine before. Kaden has tons of Sensory issues.....thank you for the great resource! :)

    1. You are welcome! I hope that you find some helpful ideas for him.


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