
The Greatest of These is LOVE

word of the year 2014

     For a few weeks I pondered just what word to choose for 2014. During our family movie night, while watching Facing The Giants, I knew for sure that my word, my focus, would be LOVE. The following quote is from that movie:
"The more I read this book, the more I realize that life's not about us. We're not here to get glory, make money, and die. The Bible says that God put us here for Him. To honour Him. Jesus said that the most important thing you can do with your life is to love God with everything you are, to love others and yourself. So if we win every game and we miss that, we've done nothing. Football then means nothing. So I'm here to present you a new team philosophy. I think that football is just one of the tools we use to honor God...He cares about your faith. He cares about where your heart is. And if you can live your faith out on the football field then yes, God cares about football because He cares about you. He sent His son Jesus to die for us so we could live for Him. That's why we're here. But see, it's not just on the football field; we've got to honor Him in our relationships, our respect for authority, in the classroom, and when you're at home alone surfing the internet. I want God to bless this team so much that people talk about what He did. But it means we got to give Him our best in every area. If we win, we praise Him. And if we loose, we praise Him. Either way, we honour Him with our actions and our attitudes. So I'm asking you: what are you living for? I've resolved to give God everything I've got. Then I'll leave the results up to Him. I want to know if you'll join me?"

     Have you chosen a word? Make a plan to focus. Search for scripture verses about it that you can apply to your life. Journal about it. Pray and ask God to help you. I plan to be intentional with love, showing the love of God with my words and actions. I hope this year ends up with less yelling at my kids and more hugs and snuggles. I want to speak the truth in love to everyone in person and through my online words. 

the greatest of these is love

     This year, my goal is to be diligently intentional about LOVE.

     Disclaimer: Affiliate links are included in a glimpse of our life's blog posts. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC regulations.


  1. A beautiful post, Jennifer! What a great resolution! I pray your new year is filled with many blessings!


    1. Thank you, Debby, and yours, too.

  2. Love is what it's ALL about, isn't it? A wonderful word and a wonderful focus. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It has turned into such a common word, I'm already enjoying searching Scripture for verses about true love.

  3. I love your phrase "diligently intentional about love." That's a fabulous goal for all of us!

    1. I want to remember to be loving before I speak an unkind word.

  4. Such a beautiful and encouraging post! Facing the Giants is a favorite movie in our house and I remember that scene well. In my high school yearbook, the quote I chose was 1 Corinthians 13:13- "In the end, there are three things that last- faith hope and love and the greatest of these is love." You have chosen a noble and godly path to be loving in all things. It won't be easy, but with God's grace, you will succeed and I know your 2014 will be blessed! :-)

    1. Thank you, Lisa, for your sweet encouragement. Yes, only with God's grace. Blessings to you.

  5. Great post, great word! That movie is so inspiring. I think we'll watch it again. Thanks for posting and thanks for linking up with the Christian Fellowship Friday hop!

    1. Thanks, Dalynn. We like Fly Wheel by them, too.


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