
Scripture & A Snapshot

“He says to the snow, 
‘Fall on the earth,’ 
and to the rain shower, 
‘Be a mighty downpour.’” 
Job 37:6

     Thank you for joining Scripture & A Snapshot. Leave a comment with a verse that God has placed on your heart this week, or leave a link to your own post sharing a Scripture and a snapshot. Take time to visit the co-host Christy at Devotion Mama as well as some of the other links, too.

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. I love your photo! The very first snow of each season is so precious as usually it falls lightly & gently. Thank you for reminding me that each flake only comes as He commands. Blessings!

  2. Anonymous12/01/2013

    Lovely photo and scripture. What a great reminder that He truly is in control of all things. May we live in awe of that and in obedience to what He places in our individual lives.

  3. Beautiful photo!! And I picked a passage from Job, too! I absolutely love the descriptions of God's power and majesty throughout Job! Have a blessed day!

  4. Job truly is a book that reveals God's power and mercy. Lovely pairing witht he image and verse.

  5. I want to be there! Beautiful shot!!! Reminds me of my childhood in Western NC.

  6. Gorgeous photo for this Scripture! Thanks for hosting & God bless.

  7. Beautiful picture!! I love snow scenes like this.


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