The following is a review of The Personality Style Workbook by PeopleKeys, a TOS Schoolhouse Crew Review.
Several different times in my life, I've taken personality style tests at work and school. A few years ago, my kids' music teacher asked if I knew the learning styles of each of my children and taught toward that. At the time, I had been teaching to their specific needs but not completed a formal testing of that information. The music teacher was asking for her benefit as well, so she could teach in a way that my children would be most receptive.
PeopleKeys provided this review opportunity and shared six options of their individual workbooks published by The Institute For Motivational Living. We received one copy of The Personality Style Workbook. The first sentence in the book states that it "may change the way you see yourselves and others forever." I decided to work through the questionnaire with my two oldest children as well as do it myself for a comparison. I later chose not to use the questions with my son as the age specified starting at 13, and he is 9 years old. A leader's guide was referenced but not included in this review.
This 16 page workbook explains 4 personality styles in a DISC format. Their acronym corresponds with Drive, Influencing, Steadiness, and Compliance. I find it interesting how different my children are from each other, and how those differences can help give balance to our family dynamics.
The workbook first offers an explanation of personality styles including why they are important and
Some of the benefits mentioned for understanding personality styles are becoming a better communicator and resolving or preventing conflicts. The actual questionnaire is just one page of 15 multiple choice questions, each with 4 possible answers which corresponds to one of the types. Answers are then graphed revealing the primary style (and often a secondary style, too.) The next 9 pages explain each style in more detail. The last two pages of the workbook contain grids to help map out a comparison of the student's style with other key people in their life to enhance their communication and build better relationships.
I was interested in the choices my girls picked for their answers. Some questions were pretty straight forward. Other answers had perceived positive or negative meanings which seemed to influence their choices. Though this is a helpful tool, these 15 questions alone are thought provoking.
The Personality Style Workbook is available for purchase for $13.00. Though I used it with my jr high and high school students, the company also recommends it for adults. It is not made just for homeschoolers but also for use in work or other group environments.
See what other crew members shared in their reviews of this and other workbooks by PeopleKeys here.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this product through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC regulations.
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