
Not A Classroom

     If you have been homeschooling for very long, then you probably can relate when I say that our homeschool is more of a lifestyle and less like a typical image of school. We integrate lessons into our life, wherever we are. In the past, we have done a lot of lessons on the road.

     There are times, in fact we begin most days gathered around the dining room table. But more hours are spent snuggled together on the couch reading a good book or with the kids sprawled on the floor coloring or my oldest daughter beside me crocheting as I read aloud.

     Homeschool changes with our family's needs. We live on a three generation family farm. Right now our family patriarch has needs that at times need to be met at his house. We take our lessons there since we are spending even more time at his house. I love listening to him share history as he lived it and remembers it.

     When the kids are working on independent projects, they have different places that hey prefer to be. We currently have tiny kittens and their mamma cat residing in my husband's shop. My middle daughter has been taking all of her books out there and completing her written work with kittens in her lap each day. 

     We make adjustments and change as we need to. That same building also now houses my son's Lego table that we moved out of his room. My daughter can't concentrate on her work there if he joins her, but sometimes she plays with him. We have all learned to be more flexible.

     So if  you wanted to see a schoolroom picture, here is one from last fall of the girls actually around my parent's table working on a project together. They also do art at their house now, since my mom loves to paint with them, and she set up my old bedroom as an art studio. We are just as likely to be working together on a related craft activity or science experiment in the kitchen as we are to be spending an afternoon at the library. School for us happens where ever we are. 


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  1. This is what our "room" for learning looks like too - and we love it! Thank you for sharing! :)

  2. I couldn't agree more. We school ALL OVER our home!


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