
Alone Yet Not Alone

     The following is a review and giveaway of Alone Yet Not Alone.

     This book sounded familiar to me when I first read about it. Sure enough, it is a repeat of one that my girls and I have read before and enjoy. I read through this one again, and the determination and faith of the girls in circumstances we truly can't imagine ourselves in is encouraging. The story is summarized below, and I don't want to give spoilers beyond that, but I do want to encourage you to read it.

     As a parent, it is horrific to even begin to imagine myself in the place of the parents in this true story. The father's faith was accurately summed up in one brief sentence. "He knew their survival was entirely up to providence."

     This true story has been made into a movie which is planned to be released soon. A section of pictures of scenes from the movie is included in the book, and it added to the story to be able to picture some of the situations described. I want to see the movie now. But if you haven't yet, read the book first! This historic book is recommended for ages 8 and up. 

About Alone Yet Not Alone (novelization):

Settled in the Blue Mountains of Pennsylvania, deep within America's new frontier, the Leininger family celebrates the blessings of a beautiful homestead and bountiful harvest. That is, until tragedy strikes with the beginning of the French and Indian War and the devastating raid known as the Penn's Creek Massacre. 

The lives of this simple, God-fearing family are forever altered when Barbara and Regina, two young sisters, are carried away by the Delaware tribe. Driven by their faith in God and the powerful bonds of family, Barbara and Regina hold firmly to the belief that they are never alone, even in their darkest hour, and that they will be reunited again. 

Rich in historical details, Alone Yet Not Alone is an inspirational, true story of a family caught in the cross fire of the French and Indian War. 

About The Author:  
Tracy Leininger Craven loves history and retelling real-life stories in her historical fiction books. She also loves spending her free time in the great outdoors with her husband David and their four children.

Alone Yet Not Alone (the book)
Written by: Tracy Leininger Craven
Publisher: Zonderkidz 
Paperback: 148 pages 


About Alone Yet Not Alone (THE MOVIE):
Releases in theaters Sept 27th, 2013 

Families will love this film based on a true story!  Awarded 5 Doves from the Dove Foundation!

Starring: Kelly Greyson, Natalie Racoosin, Clay Walker, Jenn Gotzon, Joanie Stewart, Ozzie Torres, Tony Wade.

Stay Connected
Watch the Movie Trailer:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n0TORpISk8 (Preview)

Disclaimer:  I received a free copy of this product in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC regulations.

One of you can win a copy of this book! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love to read all sorts of books with my kids. Right now I'm enjoying Historical Fiction with my 12 year old (Johnny Tremain) and an old Beverly Cleary book with my 7 year old.

  2. We like the Little House books and the Magic Treehouse books....excited to work on a review that goes hand in hand with the Magic Treehouse books!

  3. I've read a number of book out loud with my kids, but the all-time favorites remain the books from the Narnia series. Last year we read Little Town on the Prairie out loud and they liked that one a lot too.

  4. This sounds like a wonderful book!

  5. My favorite children's books are the Derwood, Inc. series by Jeri Massi.

  6. I personally love classic picture books like Blueberries for Sal!


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