
Virtual Refrigerator

     What a week! Termites made themselves known so our plans have taken a unexpected turn. Art has not been prioritized this week, but my daughter just reminded me of a project that could be shared on this post. I've shared before about my Aunt teaching the kids a lot about sewing. Last month she introduced us to a group of "French hand sewers" and we all started working on a project they contribute to. They make tiny smocked baby gowns and bonnets to be donated to micro-premies (and a piece of my heart is already in the NICU), and they shared some gathered pieces to be made into bonnets. The one pictured was smocked by Heather.
wee care smocking

premie bonnet

     Check out my guest post from yesterday. Cristi's braid could be considered a work of art. Share a link below to your own art-related posts and be sure to visit some of the other links, too.


  1. that's adorable! beautiful works of art for a wonderful cause.

  2. That is amazing! And what a blessing it will be to those families.


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