Do you make homemade Christmas gifts? Often we share jars of hot spiced tea and cocoa mix that the kids help prepare. This year my husband decided that family members and co-workers should get plates of fudge and rice crispy treats. The kids have all taken turns helping with those and other treats in the kitchen. Emily and I both tried the Dayspring's Share the Joy Apron and it was easily adjustable to fit either of us.
"In Jesus Christ, we have been bought with a price! The Redeemed Collection is ultimately about Christ- the work He’s doing in us and how we express that to the world. It speaks of how we see the pieces of our lives as used up, messy, or disconnected, but our loving Heavenly Father promises to bring all the pieces together to make something beautiful! It’s our prayer that the Redeemed Collection is a reflection on our lives. We are all Redeemed!"
Dayspring also shared their Advent Tabletop Devotional for daily devotions all month until Christmas. The day it arrived one of my favorite verses was featured. The focus on every page is Jesus/
"In Jesus Christ, we have been bought with a price! The Redeemed Collection is ultimately about Christ- the work He’s doing in us and how we express that to the world. It speaks of how we see the pieces of our lives as used up, messy, or disconnected, but our loving Heavenly Father promises to bring all the pieces together to make something beautiful! It’s our prayer that the Redeemed Collection is a reflection on our lives. We are all Redeemed!"
As a child I learned an acronym for joy- Jesus, others, yourself. Do you have a recipe for joy?
Tonight we tried another new recipe with a few revisions to include family favorites.
It turned out delicious and we will be sharing this, too.
Current Dayspring special- All Christmas Now on Sale! And remember- free shipping on orders over $30.
How are you sharing joy this holiday season?
Love that spice tea!