
Tortoise or Turtle?

     When we found a baby box turtle a few weeks ago, we learned of a nearby turtle rescue that had plenty to share with us about the care and keeping of turtles. Today the kids went back there with me and we learned even more- specifically the differences between turtles and tortoises.

     Our new friend who rescues these "torts" shared two main differences.

  • Turtles can hide completely in their shells; tortoises cover their faces and ram into attackers but can't completely hide inside their shells.
  • Tortoises eat grass, weeds, and cactus; turtles eat worms, fruit, lettuce, and more. 

The kids were all much braver than me. 


  1. How fun!!!!! My 12 year old LOVES all animals, especially rescue and rehabilitation. Where is the turtle rescue place??? I would love to visit if possible!!!!! Looks like a great place!!!

    1. Kellye, this is close to home. I'll e-mail you.

  2. Oh my goodness, those tortoises were huge!! Very interesting facts, too.
    I'm glad you all found a safe place for the baby turtle.

    Take care.

    1. The baby "Tot Tot" is thriving on a diet of meal worms. I've not yet adapted to having worms of any kind in our refrigerator.

    2. I might cringe on worms in my refrigerator as well...but if it is for a good cause...;-)

    3. I might cringe on worms in my refrigerator as well...but if it is for a good cause...;-)


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