

Originally shared over a year ago, it seemed fitting to pull this from the archives and share today. Heather, when we were listing special things about Granny, shared "and divinity!"

     The girls and I walked over for an unplanned visit with my Grandparents Sunday, and Granny had a surprise of her own. After visiting for about an hour, she suggested that she would teach the girls how to make divinity. I called home and Joseph paused his Wii game long enough to meet me halfway over the pond bank and bring me the camera so I could capture the process. She shared her sister's recipe. I remember Aunt Ola adding green and red food coloring to these for Christmas.

2 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 cup corn syrup
1/2 cup water
1 tsp. vanilla
2 well beaten egg whites
1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts (can use 1 cup)

     Put everything in pot except for egg whites and nuts. (We actually forgot the vanilla in this batch and they were still delicious.) Heat on high, stirring often, to hard ball stage.

     While one person is watching and stirring the pot on the stove, a second person is beating eggs. Granny placed a large metal bowl in the sink, which was helpful because in the next step she filled the sink under that bowl with cold water after everything was added. If you look closely at the picture above, it says "beat, beat, beat cool and eat" Granny shared a few additional essential steps.

     Granny said the sugar mixture was ready when the syrup will spin a thin hair from it and the top looks glassy. "It takes a little practice to get it right." At that point, you pour half of the sugar mixture into the egg whites while constantly beating, pouring in a slow stream. Set the pot back on the eye and bring back to boil, then repeat for the second half.

     One batch should make 19. Ours must have been on the small side as we made 22. Have waxed paper on counter sprayed with Pam. Use two spoons to drop onto waxed paper.

     "The humidity must be low and you need a good helper." If the humidity is too high you just end up with a sticky mess.

     Granny declared the girls' first attempt "perfect!"

Granny's Mandevilla is still blooming beautifully in her front yard.


  1. Awww...sweet! I have so many great memories of things just like that with my grandparents. In fact, I was thinking of those memories this morning, and blogged a bit about it. :) Your children are going to grow up and look back with love at their childhood memories.

  2. What a sweet memory for your kids! We live "just across the pond" from my husband's grandmother and my kids are blessed to get to see her often as well.
    I LOVE that handwritten recipe! What a treasure!

  3. Love the recipe photo. It looks like it has been used a lot :)
    I made this one year for Thanksgiving. It turned out perfect but I promptly forgot about it every year after *rolling my eyes*. Perhaps I will make it again soon :)
    Thanks for sharing the parts and pieces of your life :D

  4. What an awesome experience and I'm sure you'll treasure this pictures.

  5. Fun! My MIL makes divinity but when her and my daughter are together they don't have much of an attention span for actually "learning" anything...lol. They play alot. Thanks for the recipe!

  6. What great memories you will all have. Great pictures. Sometimes recipes just need to be seen to be duplicated! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love this! I know how much you are treasuring these memories.

  8. I haven't had Divinity since I was a kid. What a fun experience. I remember baking with my Grandmother.


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