
TOS review: Amazing Animals by Design

 Amazing Animals by Design

     Our family likes to go to the zoo, we like watching animals, and we like to read. This book covered all of those likes and was a refreshing change from what I typically find on our library shelves. The story is shared as a boy and a girl visit the zoo and question their Mom and the zookeeper about what they see. Each animal is beautifully illustrated. 

From the author:
     "The purpose of my book is to introduce young children to the theory of Intelligent Design.  There are books explaining the theory for older students and teens, and there are storybooks about Creation.  What I was finding with children I worked with in church and other places, however, was that when many children get to elementary school age and start to learn about the theory of Evolution, they believe the storybooks to be just that - stories.  I wanted storybooks for use in church and in homeschool with my own children that would begin to explain to younger children that there is scientific reason behind the theories of Creation and Intelligent Design, in addition to the historical documentation we have in the Bible.  When I could not find any books like that, I decided to start writing them.  Amazing Animals by Design is my first, and I hope there will be more in the series.  I wrote the book for children ages Pre-K up to about 3rd grade, at which point they may be able to understand the more scientific books that have already been written."

     This is the third time that the TOS homeschool review crew has had an opportunity to review something from a crew member. That is right- the author is also on the crew with  me! Click here to see her review blog. You can also connect with Debra Haagen through her Facebook page, book blog, or website where you can see photographs of the actual animals or hear her radio interview. You can purchase Amazing Animals by Design at: http://www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore/book.php?w=978-1-61862-233-4 as a digital download for $7.99 or from the publisher for $8.99. 

     The download that we received as part of the TOS Homeschool Crew was a pre-release of the digital download now available. One thing I liked about this format was being able to highlight the text within Adobe as my son read, to help him keep track of where he was to read next.

     As Debra mentioned above, distinguishing fact from fiction isn't always easy for my 7 year old. It has been fun to share this book with him and to be able to tell him yes it is true.  Next time we go to the zoo, Joseph may pay more attention to the ostriches as he was amazed to learn that they cannot fly. After reading that fact, I looked up ostriches online to share with him and was surprised that almost every reference based that fact on evolutionary theory. That made me even more thankful for this resource which along with sharing unique features of some strange and familiar animals, also gave all the glory to God for His amazing designs. 

     Disclaimer: As part of the TOS Homeschool Review Crew, we received a pdf version of this book for this review. All opinions are my own. Be sure to check out other reviews at the TOS Homeschool Crew Blog.



  1. Thank you for your review! :)

  2. I hope it is evident how much we enjoyed your book, Debra, thank you!

  3. I think I'm going to have to get a print copy for my youngest, for his birthday in June! :-) Lovely book!


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