
Explore Yellowstone with Noah Justice

     In this second installment of the Awesome Science DVD series, Noah Justice shares how the Biblical Record lines up with what we can see in Yellowstone. 

     We didn't make it all the way up to Yellowstone last fall on our vacation, but it is another thing on our wishlist of places to see. This DVD gives us clear pictures of the hot pools, the Yellowstone River, mud pots, and more. Just like the Grand Canyon DVD, the focus is on the facts. View a sample of this DVD here. The second episode of this 13 DVD series is filled with facts that help explain how Yellowstone lines up with Biblical history. It compares how the canyon walls here were formed just like the Grand Canyon by the Biblical flood, not glaciation.

     Each of these DVD episodes has an included study guide that adds even more educational value. It is a concise 34 page paperback, but isn't for quick consumption. This study guide is divided into sections including: Geologic Column, The Geysers, Old Faithful, Petrified Forest, and much more. Vocabulary words and discussion questions that relate to the DVD fill these pages. The conclusion on the last page sums up the lessons in the DVD and study guide with four main facts ultimately pointing to our Creator.

From Master Books:

"Join 14-year-old host Noah Justice as he explores Yellowstone, America’s first national park. In this second episode of the Awesome Science DVD series, Noah’s adventure educates children, teens, and adults about how earth science actually supports the Biblical record.
 In this 30-minute segment, you and your student will learn how:
  • The Geologic Column is best explained by the Global Flood
  • Super volcanoes were used to shape the Earth after the Flood.
  • The petrified forests in Yellowstone were formed in just a few years.
Awesome Science is a high quality DVD series produced by a family that homeschools and works on the series together. Kyle Justice, Noah Justice’s dad, has produced video which has appeared on networks including National Geographic, ESPN, and the Outdoor Channel. Noah is the field guide and host for all 13 episodes which explore the globe to discover evidence of the accuracy of the Bible. The first three are released March 2012 and include Explore the Grand CanyonExplore Yellowstone, and Explore Meteor Crater and Petrified Forest. Each episode offers a study guide which is sold separately. The series can be used in any Christian education setting including churches, schools, and homes."

    This is available now on Amazon for purchase or as an instant rental.

    Disclaimer: New Leaf publishing group provided me with a copy of this DVD and study guide for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was provided.

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