
Crafty things from Pinterest

     It took me a little while to catch on to Pinterest, but now that I have I'm hooked. The concept is simple. It is a way to quickly return to websites that you want to remember. Just sign up, add the pin it icon to your toolbar, and anytime you want to try out a cool idea you see online pin it.  Where the fun really comes in isn't just collecting the ideas but actually trying them out. Here are a few of our recent favorites.  

Rainbow rice!

     The directions for this were so clear and easy to follow. The hardest part was finding where we left the food coloring. I have a few ideas for holiday crafts with these pretty colors before it all gets mixed in a bin. 
     On the first Tuesday of each month I share a recipe link-up. (I hope you will come back and link up.) This week I shared about the delicious and surprisingly healthy banana chocolate shake I adapted from this pin. And these potatoes turned out with just enough salty buttery crunch. I shared a picture here
     We wanted to start this Thanksgiving tree earlier, but it rained the first morning we planned to gather branches. We got started Saturday, and all the kids helped contribute just the right branches. They pulled off dead leaves but left the purple berries. We added beans to weight the vase down and keep it from toppling over. I was inspired by several links for this, especially this and this.
     We also changed from the circles pictured to leaf shapes for sharing our gratitude. They are mostly empty now, but throughout the month we can continue to jot down blessings on the leaves of our own Thanksgiving tree.
     I almost forgot these oh so yummy Nutella peanut butter swirl cookies. These were so good and as you can see they disappeared quickly.  That recipe worked perfectly with freshly ground wheat pastry flour. 
     If you have followed the list to my Pinterest page, you see there is still a lot on my list to try. Soon we will be trying a lot of Christmas crafts and gifts. 


  1. I love Nutella...and Pinterest, but it hogs all my time...lol!

  2. I haven't joined pinterest yet, but I bookmarked both the rainbow rice and the cookies! haha! so funny. great minds think alike, I guess. :)

  3. Because there is no Nutella in the house (it vanishes somehow) we made the same recipe tonight with just peanut butter. They were still delicious. :)

  4. What great ideas! I've been meaning to make the rice. Looks like I need to add another cookie recipe to my list too! :)

  5. Pinterest is so cool, but I have to be very careful as it could easily suck up waaaay too much time. Cookies are my weakness, and those look really good. ;)

  6. I really need to poke around on Pinterest more. Those are great ideas! Thanks for the post.

  7. I am addicted to pinnning but have only managed to implement a few ideas so far. I need to get on it!


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