
The Homeschool Mother's Journal

The Homeschool Mother's Journal

In my life this week...
     This week started with one sick daughter. She is better now, but our whole week has been a bit off. Because I didn’t want anyone else to catch her virus, I’ve been disinfecting everything more than usual. We have a cleaner house, which is one good thing that has come from her sickness.

In our homeschool this week...

     We have done more reading out loud, the girls and I take turns reading.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...
     Thursday we spent several happy hours at my Grandparent’s house (including lunch with them- Granny’s incomparable gumbo!) We have hardly left home this week, which is rare. It has turned so cold here businesses have closed because of ice on the roads. That means that our whole family has been home together a bit more than usual.

My favorite thing this week was...
     Baking, cooking, trying new recipes, and having a relatively clean house. 

What's working/not working for us...

     Online math supplements are working for us. All three children have been on the MathScore website, and we renewed for another year with Mathletics.
     As for what is not working- sick days. I hope everyone stays healthy for a long time now.

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
     I’ve been looking more and more into all of the curricula options that incorporate multiple grade levels.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

DNA model by my eldest.



  1. I'm so sorry for sickness at your house-I hope everyone is well now. I LOVE the DNA model your daughter made! How was that done? Holly

  2. I hope the sick bug leaves your house..Stopping by from the hop. Thanks for stopping by. To answer your question I have only drove through the Smokys on the way to FL a few times but never stayed there =)

  3. Jennifer, that stinks when 1 is sick, I am the same way with cleaning when the kids are sick...trying to kill those germs! So nice you got to spend time with your grandma! Gumbo sounds good right now! Here's praying no other children get sick!

  4. Love the DNA model! What a fun project.

    We've had a bit of sickness around here too which forced us to slow down a bit at the beginning of the week. Fortunately, it was short lived. Glad to see your daughter is feeling better. It's not any fun to be sick. :(

  5. I'm sorry your children have been sick. Hope they are feeling better soon. Love the DNA model. I'm planning to clean house myself in a bit, but I'm taking a computer break now. ;)

  6. I LOVE that DNA model!! That's REALLY cool! Did she follow a pattern? Do you have it?!?! :-)

    Have you looked at Weaver? It's a Biblically-based unit study curriculum that all ages can do together. Here's a great Weaver Forum.

    Thanks for stopping by The Joyful Journey!

  7. I hope everyone is feeling well now. We have had sickness in our house this week too. I think it came from not going outside enough. The DNA model was really neat.
    I'm from the TOS Crew and am now following you. I'm looking forward to reading more posts. Please follow me. Thank you!

  8. that is a fun way to make a DNA link. My girls would love it. I am new to your blog and have really enjoyed it

  9. Thanks for your interest. I'll share more about the DNA model Tuesday.

  10. I am anxious to try the MathScore - thanks! We also like Times attack - have you heard of that one? It is a video game that goes over multiplication facts. We like that one!

  11. Love that DNA model! I don't like sick kids either. It makes me feel so helpless when I can't really do anything for them. Thankfully God has protected my family from a severe sickness even though our church has had a rampage.


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