
letting go

   Is it a prerequisite that you give up something when you begin a new habit? This year I have started several new habits. It hasn't been 21 days yet; I think I read before that it takes 21 days to make a habit. I've left out something though, the letting go. I realized it as my daughter and I were both yawning a few days ago. I've been more tired lately and it isn't just because of the season. All these great new times of Bible reading and memorization have been added to my life. But nothing of equal time consumption was taken away. So now we are all working on putting away our holiday schedule of staying up too late and watching too much TV. I'm adding back sleep and working on cutting back on TV and computer time. What are you letting go this year?


  1. Thanks for a post that really makes me think. I know that I've given up some pleasure reading to make time for my Bible in 90 Days reading. I've also added in more exercise. I'd like to think that I'm eliminating wasted time to make time for my runs, but I fear that I'm giving up valuable time with my kids. I think it's time for me to take a hard look at how I do spend my days.

  2. It is definitely as prerequisite in my life that I give up something if I add something in. My life is full. Homeschooling, 4 kids, housework, and a husband out of work takes a lot of time. I have added more exercising to my schedule and I have deleted some "fun" time on the computer. Thanks for the thoughts... I like Christi need to take a closer look at this as I try and fulfill my 2011 goals and do better on them this year than I did last year. That means keeping my goals in mind... and in front of my face... and keeping them in mind as I spend my time each day.

  3. Up too late again, I'm still working on this.


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